Friday, 3 December 2010

Shoe sale♥

Both pairs unused, only ever tried on in store (with socks of course)

UK size 7
£7.50 each

with £2.50 P&P

Leave your paypal and which pair or both in the comments


beckiangel44 said...

would have had both of those but I'm a size 5 :( are you still selling makeup items?xo

MakeupLoveer said...

yeah I am , if you go check out my twitter feed youll see all the items.. most of the lippies have gone though xx

beckiangel44 said...

Oooo okies :) I follow you already so will have a looksy now!xo

Crionna said...

Oh my god!! Can i have both please?

I'm a size 7 so happy days!!

Im in Ireland x