Happy New Year!! I hope you all have a great 2012 and wish you all the best, I hope this year brings you everything you want from it. I'm hopeful this year my health problems will finally be fixed and I can get my life back, it's been a hard 2 years health wise for me but thankfully it seems to be coming to a close in the foreseeable couple of months. This year has some really fabulous things coming up, on the 7th January Andrew and I celebrate 5 years together, we both (and his twin) turn 21, plus lots of of other lovely things - you will all see these as they happen.
I know I haven't blogged or done any youtube videos much over the last few weeks, thank you for all your tweets/messages, I am still here and I'm hoping to get back to everything now. I'm feeling much better, plus now that the stress of Christmas is over things will slow down. It was a wonderful Christmas this year, spending it with my family, Andrew and his family - I love Christmas it brings all your loved ones together. Santa was very good to me this year, I felt truly spoiled by all the wonderful and thoughtful gifts. I doubt I will show you everything that I got as I don't generally like those types of posts but I'm sure things will crop in blog posts/videos. Hope you all had a lovely Christmas too!
There will be a lot more daily vlogs from me, I got a Balckberry Playbook for Christmas (have wanted one for ages!) so I'm going to edit them from over the last week and hopefully get that up tomorrow(ish). It's one thing that I want to do more this year is vlog, I love watching other peoples so I'm going to try my best to record some of my own. Not that my life is exciting haha.
Anyway enough rambles from me, have a good night and a great start to 2012. Feel free to share your New Year resolutions in the comments, I need some inspiration for mine!