My blog is very important to me, it takes up a lot of my time and is something that is part of me, I am an honest person so will never be anything but honest on here. Hopefully you see this and see that my blog/youtube is a fun place for me to share with you all things that I love.
When I started my blog I bought all of the products featured, this is still largely the same - my bank card certainly gets a beating when I hit cosmetic counters - but being a blogger means that I am lucky enough to receive samples sometimes from brands to try and share my thoughts if I like them. I am very fussy as to what I say 'yes' to, I pass up a lot of opportunities to try things purely as they aren't things I would buy with my own pennies, I wouldn't want to waste any PR's time or budget if I don't think I would buy it myself. If I have been sent a product, it will clearly be starred (*) in the post, if you do however have any questions please feel free to email me about it.
I am part of Handpicked Media collective, that is a bloggers network pulling the 'crème de la crème' of blogs together to create greater networking relations and provide fabulous opportunities for my blog. This does mean every so often I will do a sponsored post on my blog or youtube channel, however I will not overload this space with paid content. Much like when I accept PR samples I will only feature something if it will 'fit' in with my blog and if it something that would interest me as a reader too. I would never accept compensation in return for a 'positive' review, everything I write is always 100% truthful. Where posts are sponsored it will be noted at the bottom with 'Sponsored Post'.
Simply put this is my blog, it is my space to share my honest thoughts on things with you and to have fun at the end of the day.

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