Friday, 15 October 2010

Help: Clear Skin

Help:clear skin has teamed up with an up and coming fashion boutique called Bedcrumb to help the company in supporting new young talent. They have designed this beautiful purse (limited edition) as a free gift with purchase when you buy a months supply.

It is an 100% natural and clinically proven skin supplement that aims to clear up acne, spots and blemishes in 6 weeks. How it works is easy simply add the formula into your drink and take it twice a day to achieve the best results. I am going to be giving this a go to see if it can make a difference to the spots that seem to love to live on my jaw! 

A month supply is priced at £49.99
You can buy it at Asda, Tesco and Waitrose or

Help:clear skin is also available to buy at Tesco, Asda and Waitrose.



Sarah♥ said...
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Sarah♥ said...

This looks so good, let us know how you get on!:)